OSC vs Web-RTC reflector in AWS cloud

A couple of things about OSC and Web-RTC.   This may seem like a technical consideration, but the lived experiences of  — communities of  —  creator or researcher or performer weighs in here…

(1)  For realtime responsive media in live event, we work under the assumption that our processes process live gesture & activity with adequately dense streams of data,    We like lowest possible latency, want our stream rates as high as emitted, don’t care about dropped frames, don’t care about irregular timing.  And we let downstream processes, including the human performer deal.  This works well when there’s adequately high density — frames of data / unit time, and live human-in-the-loop action. (… thanks to Joel Ryan using wireless sensor platforms for live performance between Vienna and Brussels.)    (Yes re. Vangelis we can lean on John Maccallum’s experience :)   

Benefit of UDP is the fact that some packets can be dropped/skipped/undelivered, as it is not "mandatory" data, like picture frames or piece of sound, that only results on reduced quality, which is "expected" behaviour in streaming world. WebSockets will ensure that data is delivered, and "price" for it is mechanics that at the end slows down the queue of packets, to ensure ordered and guaranteed delivery of data.

General principle, for live responsive media:  let human deal with variation of streaming media flow as part of the materiality of the medium (in this case network transport dynamics) rather than hide that materiality  under homogeneous behavior at the cost of slowing processing, introducing global latencies, or syntactic complexity.

(2) Syntactic complexity
For backward compatibility with a lot of code and coding practice, it’d be very important not to require application programmers to insert OSC - web socket glue code in legacy frameworks.  Technicalities or extra idioms whose adoption may seem trivial to an expert programmer can be an insurmountable barrier to creative coding in communities of researchers and artists who just want to get on with shaping the event.

As much as possible, I’d like to  talk to my cloud services independent from the web (httpd).
Our apps should talk via internet without going through any browser.   
OSC was invented for streaming sensor data between apps, and to be transport agnostic.  
And all the work we’ve been doing with responsive media for live event is aimed at 
avoiding the chunky clunky document paradigms introduced by HTML / httpd
(from the era of file-based OS familiar to CERN engineers :).   

One rejoinder may be that contemporary network transport quality renders (1) and (3) moot, but this assumption is false when we work in parts of the world that are farther from tightly managed network infrastructures.

And (2) is vital.


Thanks to David Morris,

Zsuzsa Baross
"infinity" is a concept, not an existence, just as zero is not a number….

Sha Xin Wei
Mathematicians treat infinity not as a concept but as (Deleuzian) _problem_
What would be more interesting than the Quanta Magazine's fairly conventional metaphysical subtext is a genealogical and ontogenetic approach to the ever-evolving notion of "the real numbers". (compare this with Bitbol, Petitot et al's project) and even more, to recognize maths as a _speculative_ propositional adventure (cf Roy Wagner, after Whitehead, Stengers)

Barthes neutrality … Laozi 無爲 Wúwèi

To record an exchange from PSF

Muindi: In light of our talk about institutions that play the role of neutral facilitator in geopolitics and individuals who play the role of neutral facilitators in games and play scenarios, I wanted to share with you all some quotations from Roland Barthes' lectures on The Neutral, a book which I am very, very fond of and that I think would make great reading for the PSF group, alongside his lectures on How to Live TogetherI send this because I think that Roland Barthes has a lovely way of talking about neutral party as a passionate figure rather than a dispassionate one. What's more, Barthes phrase "outplay the paradigm" (rather than "playing into the paradigm") could be a very useful phase to empower a facilitator within the context of types of games and play scenarios that we were discussing. (edited) 
Untitled document (3).jpg

In a related timbre, Stefano Franchi, Niklas Damiris, and Helga Wild wrote a deep book on Passivity, which exists only as an unpublished ms.  A source for these diverse Western turns away from modernity: Bathes,  passivity, Heidegger’s standing in reserve, and Merleau-Ponty’s notion of constitution is Laozi’s Daodejing.  Here’s an introduction by Steve Coutinho to the daoist concept of wúwèi:

Coccia / Reversing The New Global Monasticism / homes, mated things, and care

A beautiful motivation for portals and sutured spaces, telematically mated objects  — objects that are always so that one is aware of and changes state depending on its siblings' state wherever its siblings may be in the world (thanks to tcp-ip + orc or some other network protocol).  

What of there are things X that always come as a set of initially indiscernibly identical, but responsive siblings,  that cannot be owned separately by just one person?  What if they are designed such that N siblings are always to be adopted by N people?  (Simplest case is twins.)

But more profoundly from the point of view of lived experience, the thing’s state and behavior is then sensitive to its relation not only to you / your home, but to wherever else it's homed as well.      It is crucial NOT to think of these things communicating with each other — NOT transmitting data “from" one “to" the other.   But instead design “the” thing so one relates to it as if it exists in more than one place simultaneously —  in but also not in your home, much like a cat.

Coccia / Reversing The New Global Monasticism / homes, things, and care

A beautiful motivation for portals and sutured spaces, telematically mated objects I’ll say more in my next email, but let me offer you the chance to enjoy Coccia’s graceful and thoughtful essay…

Emanuele Coccia / Reversing The New Global Monasticism … https://fallsemester.org/2020-1/2020/4/17/emanuele-coccia-escaping-the-global-monasticism?fbclid=IwAR3y3dUGCXxy9mHutgEGGmatLLho4D4NT7fmfgQCjvlsIHxNWM5qKuvJ_dE

sutured augmented learning spaces, diagrammatic, 5/8 2 PM MST

See Zimin Proposal (augmented learning environment) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vLwEIvjrWbPanZ2ZLKFOBzEvIzyrkTwmkfkARBTyOgQ/edit

Diagrammatic Master Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k0Up-3Q0YvZbbBJwmaeqRN0RfsAJeDwGQzaoAmbn7CM/edit

Possible courses and workshops:

• Digital Culture / Media studies / Computational thinking; Media choreography for non-coders (Leonardo?) • Augmented sutured learning environments + diagrammatic + ecology of things • Place-labs (Dartington, Leonardo) • Alter-Economics: alter-finance (EGS, UNDP) • Emergence, Individuation, Ontogenesis, complex systems (EGS, UNDP)

• Trans-course portfolio

Collective intentionality and the further challenge of collective free improvisation


Collective intentionality and the further challenge of collective free improvisation


The kind of collective improvisation attained by free jazz at the beginning of the sixties appears interesting from the perspective of contemporary debates on collective intentionality for several reasons. The most notable of these, is that it holds a mirror up to what analytical philosophers of action identify as “the complexly interwoven sets of collective intentions” that make a group more than the sum of its parts. But at the same time, free jazz poses a challenge to these philosophical theories of collective intentionality, because what happens is not planned in advance but arises from spontaneous interactions in the group. The second and no less decisive reason is that jazz musicians act together in a very distinctive way, which casts into clear relief the interplay between togetherness and agonism, individual freedom and group commitment, which is contained in every human interaction. In other words, in free jazz we find what Hannah Arendt calls the “paradoxical” or “twofold” character of “human plurality.” Starting with the analysis of two paradigmatic case studies—Charles Mingus’s Folk Forms No. 1 and Ornette Coleman’s Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation—my main concern in this paper is to provide a phenomenological account of the individual-yet-plural intentionality that emerges and runs through the improvisatory process in the free jazz case. After having made the negative point that this phenomenon represents a challenge to the analytical theories of collective intentionality, I shall argue that it can be accounted for from a phenomenological perspective. My basic thesis is that the overall cohesiveness of the improvisatory process must be regarded as a meaningful realization of an overall feeling, shared and shaped together by musicians over time—and not as the execution of an advanced plan.

test data

Technological solutions such as machine learning statistical modeling are limited by the quality of the data in which they are based (a scientific methodological point typically overlooked by programmers and armchair epidemiologists :):) ). and in this case the tables of coronavirus statistics are practically useless without understanding how they were derived.

Numerology : Mistaking a numeral — a squiggle on a screen or a piece of paper — for a fact of the world.

Sha Xin Wei | skype: shaxinwei | mobile: +1-650-815-9962 | asu.zoom.us/my/shaxinwei

APR. 4, 2020, AT 1:11 PM

Coronavirus Case Counts Are Meaningless*

*Unless you know something about testing. And even then, it gets complicated.


If you’re a regular reader of FiveThirtyEight, you’re probably used to looking at data in sports — where basically everything that happens on a basketball court or a baseball diamond is recorded — or in electoral politics, when polls (in theory, anyway) survey a random sample of the population. COVID-19 statistics, especially the number of reported cases, are not at all like that. The data, at best, is highly incomplete, and often the tip of the iceberg for much larger problems. And data on tests and the number of reported cases is highly nonrandom. In many parts of the world today, health authorities are still trying to triage the situation with a limited number of tests available. Their goal in testing is often to allocate scarce medical care to the patients who most need it — rather than to create a comprehensive dataset for epidemiologists and statisticians to study.