ILLUSION OF CONTROL, May 15-17 hybrid conference, Royal Swedish Academy, Para Limes Foundation Netherlands, ASU, Princeton, Stockholm Resilience Center, Beijer Institute for Environmental Economics

Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to invite you both to a unique conference on a topic that is currently emerging in debates in a wide range of disciplines confronted with the question why, while there is an acknowledged urgency to deal with climate change, environmental change and socio-political change, so little is actually happening. It brings together a very interesting group of high-level speakers, both academics and practitioners on environmental change. It is to be held May 15-17, in the auditorium of the Royal Swedish Academy in Stockholm. It is organized by the Para Limes Foundation in the Netherlands and sponsored by ASU, Princeton, the Stockholm Resilience Center and the Beijer Institute for Environmental Economics. The meeting will be webcast and is thus accessible to ASU faculty and students!

HERE you find a poster for the conference and the conference page for the website. You can REGISTER from both.


Many, many thanks for any help you can give me in publicizing this.

Yours truly,

Sander van der Leeuw
School of Complex Adaptive Systems
Global Futures Lab, ASU