Angela Morelli is an Italian information and graphic designer based in London. She became known through her research about The Global Water Footprint of Humanity at TEDxOslo, where she shared her research into the water crisis and she eloquently illustrates the value of information design to communicate global issues:
Angela Morelli is an Italian information and graphic designer based in London. She became known through her research about The Global Water Footprint of Humanity at TEDxOslo, where she shared her research into the water crisis and she eloquently illustrates the value of information design to communicate global issues:
I finished my diagram of how O4 is set up in the iStage environment (attached). Just some notes from when I was in there today:
-There are some extra power cables on the floor. I think they are from the setup for Tim Place's talk in the space.
-The Max 6 installation for the new Sound computer under the student account has been changed. There are now 2 installations of Max 6 (6.1.7 & 6.1.9) on the account and neither will load the sound patches. Had to run the sound today via the "Synthesis" user account which seems to have a normal installation (6.1.9)
-I have figured out why we've been having issues on both the old & new sound computers with iPad connectivity for Mira. It turns out that both computers run a keyed license of Max, which requires constant internet connection. When we make a wireless network for the iPad, internet connection is terminated and the key access error occurs. With this error, most of Max's features are terminated, including networking. Possible workarounds would be to put a fixed license on the machine, or turn the sound patches into executables.
• How can we handle time zone differences: three hours between Montreal and Phoenix, 8 or 9 hours between Phoenix and London or Athens?
• How do people mix live events with recorded audio, video or documents?
• How do people mix the table with “foveal” media such as the talking-heads videos of remote interlocutors?
Also included in the O4.rhyth_abs is a folder labeled o4.track. This features a simple system for recording and playing video with a synchronized osc data stream.
I translated Seb's sensor fusion algorithm into Javascript to be used within Max/MSP:
There was still quite a bit of drift when I tested it, but I was only using 100Hz sample rate which I suspect may have been the main issue.Mike
On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Adrian Freed <
Thanks Xin Wei.
Tt would indeed to at least develop a road map for this important work. We should bring the folk from x-io
into the discussion because they have moved their considerable energies and skills further into this space in 2015.
I also want to clarify my relative silence on this front. As well as weathering some perfect storms last year, I found
the following project attractive from the perspective of separating concerns for this orientation work:
They are still unfortnuately in pre-order land with a 2-3 month shipping time. Such a system would complement commercial and inertial measuring systems well
by providing a "ground truth" ("ground fib") anchored to their beacon transmitter. The sixense system has limited range for many of our applications
which brings up the question (again as a separation of concerns not for limiting our perspectives) of scale. Many folk are thinking about orientation and inertial
sensing for each digit of the hand (via rings).
For the meeting we should prepare to share something about our favored use scenarios.
On Jan 31, 2015, at 1:37 PM, Xin Wei Sha <
Can you — Adrian and Mike — Doodle a Skype to talk about who should do what when to get gyro information from multiple (parts of ) bodies
into our Max platform so Mike and the signal processing maths folks can look at the data?
This Skype should include at least one of our signal processing Phd’s as well ?
Mike can talk what he’s doing here, and get your advice on how we should proceedL
write our own gyro (orientation) feature accumulator
get pre-alpha version of xOSC hw + sw from Seb Madgewick that incorporates that data
adapt something from the odot package that we can use now.
WAIT till orientation data can be integrated easily (when, 2015 ?)
Half an hour should suffice.
I don’t have to be at this Skype as long as there’s a precise outcome and productive decision that’ll lead us to computing some (cor)relations on streams of orientations as a start...
Xin Wei
Yes, there is great demand for something that works in sensor fusion for inertial sensors but I think the best way to do so is as part of o. so to benefit every inertial setup out there. It will take ages for Seb to implement it for xosc and would be an exclusive benefit. Seb's PhD is out there and I am sure he will help sharing new code for solving the problem. The question is can we do this? :)
My warm regards to everyone!
On Jan 30, 2015 6:45 PM, Adrian Freed <
The experts on your question work at x-io. Seb Madgewick wrote the code a lot of people around the world are using for sensor
fusion in IMU's.
Are you using their IMU (x-OSC) as a source of inertial data?
We started to integrate Seb's code into Max/MSP but concluded it would be better to wait for Seb
to build it into x-OSC itself. There are some important reasons that this is a better approach, e.g.,
reasoning about sensor fusion in a context with packet loss is difficult.
It is possible Vangelis persisted with the Max/MSP route
On Jan 30, 2015, at 3:01 PM, Michael Krzyzaniak < wrote:
Hi Adrian,
I am a PhD student at ASU and I work with Xin Wei at the Synthesis Center. We are interested in fusing inertial sensor data (accel/gyro/mag) to give us reliable orientation (and possibly position) information. Do you have in implementation of such an algorithm that we can use in (or port to) Max/MSP?