working ethos and models for Synthesis, references for "creativity" | "imagination" | "speculative media(ion)"

Here are some docs describing how I’m trying to build Synthesis, learning from experiences of the TML, and distilled from reflections on the contemporary and recent political economy of lab-based science, studio-based art, empirical work in the technosciences, critical history of the human “sciences” as well as the rich and vital anarchist life of creative play outside the academy.

A core place to start would be notions of process, individuation, life.  There are many ways to think-do-make this, but for me and a lot of the the ecologies of friendships and practices in which Synthesis and TML has flourished, here’s some convenient reference literature:
Daodejing (DC Lau translation), 
Zhuangzi (Burton Watson translation),
Heraclitus (Kahn translation), 
Deleuze and Guattari, 

Adam is a friend to this and is firing up LCT and “speculative media(ion)” as good companion projects.   I would like to invite Adam and Todd to be part of Chris Roberts and Brandon’s conversation about how Synthesis can be described in popular terms as a home for “creative practice.”    More precise terms of art include speculative practice and experimental practice (as in the Brill book series), and the problem (in Deleuze, Bachelard senses, see Patrice Maniglier essay)

Where appropriate, I’d like to complement energy, capacities and pool resources for streams or experiments of common interest.

And as a personal supplement: