RE: HCII experiments, for paper write up for FEB 18

by Assegid Kidane
I saw a 60" Samsung smart TV for $900 at costco with thin edges and pretty flat back face and only about 3" thick that I thought was suitable for the TOC table. The picture quality was good. I can get contrast and other data if there is interest to go in that direction.

From: Xin Wei Sha
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 7:54 AM
To: Garrett Laroy Johnson; Evan Montpellier; Connor Rawls (Student); Joshua Gigantino; Omar Faleh; Nikolaos Chandolias
Cc: Christopher Roberts; Assegid Kidane; Todd Ingalls;
Subject: HCII experiments, for paper write up for FEB 18


We agreed to timetable to do a  bit  more thoughtful experimenting 

Friday 11 AM (??)

Weekend implement solutions un BY390

Tuesday 12 noon - 1:00  EXPERIMENT

Wed 11:00 - 1:00 EXPERIMENT
night: post low res good audio raw video so SC + TML can see both videos

Thurs write up
individual paragraphs
lit reviews!

Fri review paper Skype
XW review weekend , Evan or XW submit

Please think about  SOCIAL etiquettes to solve these questions, and type ideas into the Google doc so we can look them over?

• How should people coordinate and interleave their interventions using tokens, gesture, vocal signals, etc.?

• How can we handle time zone differences: three hours between Montreal and Phoenix, 8 or 9 hours between Phoenix and London or Athens?

• How do people mix live events with recorded audio, video or documents?

• How do people mix the table with “foveal” media such as the talking-heads videos of remote interlocutors?

We have no more time for real engineering.  Only for hardware tweaks such as moving gear, installing better microphone etc.

Need MUCH clearer video on table top
use monitor on table??  We cannot solve monitor feedback problem this week, so
 we need to figure out a different solution to improve video quality:
install a much better projector OR mount projector CLOSE (1 meter image) to the table ?
Garrett: work with Connor + Ozzie  on video display. 

Try out Batons ideas
Fake fiducial markers 
try out 

Install  Omni mic 
borrow one now, order one for BY 390?

Think about how can we deal with time zone difference ?
and implement social etiquette?

Review other solutions for augmented office meetings 
Xerox PARC, MIT , Japan had HUGE amount of research on this: 
who can REVIEW that literature 
and write a paragraph for this paper ?

Survey freehand analog drawing-based communication :
See  solutions with chalkboard  and very smart people