puppetry & film animation >> interaction

for 20 years since sponge, my fellow artists and i measured our work not to “new media” or anything to do with “computation” or "interaction” but to the most highly evolved and richest arts: theater, architecture, plastic arts, visual arts…

we aspire to make experiences as powerful as that which were achieved by the likes of Bertoldt Brecht, Sankai Juku, Dumb Type, or Anish Kapoor, Mona Hartoum, Renzo Piano, …

by such standards very very few works of computational media art “measure up” in experiential and conceptual power. but that should impel us to do more. certainly that should prevent us from lapsing into the complacency typical of programmers who discover the pleasure of mapping an input into a color or a frequency, and stop there.

ever since i established the Topological Media Lab in at GaTech, i said we do not do “interactive” stuff. and when i accepted the Canada Research Chair in “new media” i said there is no such thing as new media :)