Ozone github history. O4_ASU ≠ tgvu-code

Synthesis and TML should have a common archival repository of code, 
which is different  from the reduced and cleaned up set that runs the iStage and Lounge called  Synthesis/O4_ASU/.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure the name of the most complete archival version,

does not have TML work by key Ozone authors:
Michael Fortin
JS Rousseau
Tim Sutton

Evan was most recently the Ozone master, before him Julian.

TML Ozone authors  started publishing their own specialist branches by medium x author, instead of making a synthesis architecture.  
Julian and then Evan had overall systems architecture synthesis as part of their brief.   Ozone programmers focussed on specific instrument kits  but did not rework all the old functionality (e.g. tgvu and JS Rousseau’s extensive toolkit)
as needed to prep the codebase for use by next generation of researchers.

Evan kindly uploaded the older tgvu-code codebase “as-is” — no warranty implied or explicit.
There are useful and clever instruments and externals, especially in Michael Fortin’s work, that need a programmer educated in C-level programming (CS) to unpack for us.  Examples: 
• Michael Fortin’s Python hook for custom forces in the state engine,
• Hooks for implementing chemistry between particles, 


tgvu dates from TML @ Georgia Institute of Technology GVU (formerly Graphics, Visualization and Usability): principal author was Yoichiro Serita, with strong contributions from Erik Conrad, Delphine Nain, et al. (see TML papers from 2001-2005).  Many of the functionality wheels have been re-invented and made a little more robust in later layers of Max , MXR, and now Jamoma.  

However there are key utilities for e.g. state engine, affine remapping video, sensor sensitivity conditioning, scatter computations.  Julian and Evan were the last TMLabbers I know who spelunked through the archives.

The “t”  in “tgvu” comes from TGarden, the founding play space for the TML.

And “T” refers multiply to

On May 5, 2015, at 11:51 AM, Assegid Kidane <Assegid.Kidane@asu.edu> wrote:


Can one of you give me a brief tutorial or point me to a material that describes how the .mxt files in MaxLibraries_ASU/tgvu-code/visuals on github are used? what does 'tgvu' stand for? There seem to be frequent changes to files in the tgvu-code directory.

Assegid Kidané
School of Arts, Media and Engineering