Global Cafe + Object Theater: toward Media Architecture Biennale 2020

Hi Yanjun, Shomit, Christy, Haakon, (other interested folks welcome!)

Shall we build the Global Cafe and related works into a joint project  on augmented social refreshment space
the we can exhibit at world-level venue such as:

Media Architecture Biennale MAB 2020 Utrecht


The local responsive objects as well as telematically mated objects have behaviors that are designed first 
with social & dramaturgical power (think experimental puppet theater), and 
with experiential research questions such as:

On Sep 13, 2019, at 6:00 AM, Christy Spackman <> wrote:

Imagine you are at a cafe. Three people are there. 
1) who are the three people whose interaction you want to prototype?
2) what might a "normal" script be for those interactions?
3) what new script(s) are you hoping to inspire?

• Global Cafe (project webpage coming)

• Apply for international exhibition July / Aug 2020

• Ecology of Things

• Theater of objects (Ri)

Yanjun — Do you know this biennale: MAB: Media Architecture Biennale was hosted by CAFA in Beijing
The general chair in 2018 was Prof. Chang Zhigang – CAFA, Beijing

Overall timeline:
Prototype Fall 2019
publish in DIS, CHI, Leonardo, etc.
Local Exhibit Emerge 2020
Apply for funding Spring 2020
Refine Summer 2020