FW: Dante System Set UP

Dear Core SC team:


FYI, to make sure everyone is on the same page, Todd is stepping forward to take charge of setting up the Dante system according to how we need it for research in the sc / iStage.  This includes what Lauren and Todd have in mind.


This frees up the rest of the core team to tackle the rest of that TODO list Megan has posted.



Xin Wei



From: Todd Ingalls <TestCase@asu.edu>
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 4:21 PM
To: Megan Patzem <mpatzem@asu.edu>
Cc: "lauren.s.hayes@asu.edu" <Lauren.S.Hayes@asu.edu>, Xin Wei Sha <Xinwei.Sha@asu.edu>, Connor Rawls <Connor.Rawls@asu.edu>
Subject: Re: Dante System Set UP



I will need to have all the equipment in the stage with power and all cabling needed. I also need licenses and software for virtual soundcards as well as the dante software package


On Apr 19, 2018, at 3:50 PM, Megan Patzem <mpatzem@asu.edu> wrote:

Hi  -


We realized that Dante still needs to be set up but doing so will interfere with a lot of research so we have tried to figure out a way around it.


Can you both  work on Dante during the week of April 30th - May 5th? I say this because we will be using iStage that week to set up the paper sky for Oana so iStage will mostly be unusable during that time. We figure it would also be a good time to allocate time to setting up Dante officially.


Will you both let me know if you can work that week?



Best wishes,

Megan Patzem

Multimedia Artist & Communications

School of Arts Media & Engineering + Digital Culture

Arizona State University

Mail Code: 5802

p: 480-652-5333  f: 480-965-0961  

email: mpatzem@asu.edu

web: meganpatzem.webflow.io