Faloutsos, Mining Large Graphs, CIDSE Distinguished Lecture, Nov 6, 3:20 - 4:30

Faloutsos is one of the most prominent experts in graph analysis.  Anyone critically interested in network models of society, ecology, communication and control, or networks as a problematic* may want get an insider’s view.

Christos Faloutsos (CMU)
Mining Large Graphs
3 PM: Munchies & Mingling 
​ (Lobby Outside BYAC 110)​
3:20 - 4:30 PM:  
​Talk and QA​
Place: BYAC  

*   Patrice Maniglier, "What is a problematic? Bachelard and the concept of problematic,” Radical Philosophy 173 (May/Jun 2012) 

Sha Xin Wei • Professor and Director • School of Arts, Media and Engineering + Synthesis
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts + Fulton Schools of Engineering • ASU
Fellow: ASU-Santa Fe Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems
Affiliate Professor: Future of Innovation in Society; Computer Science; English
Founding Director, Topological Media Lab
skype: shaxinwei • mobile: +1-650-815-9962