current Synthesis projects + etudes

Dear active Synthesis researchers and students,

Just a reminder — our weekly campfires are Mondays 2-3

Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons, Todd and I plan to hang out and work around the Matthews Center (iStage, Fishbowl, 240B)
Thursdasy 4:00 - 5:30 I have office hours 

Connor will be in residence as our technical lead.
Ben will be in residence for a number of hours as well.

See attached for a list of current Synthesis 
projects (research leading to exhibition or publication) and
etudes (short 1 week exercises leading to a fun demo)

The best way to pick up technique, savvy, and judgment would be hop aboard one of these existing projects… a la atelier model of apprenticeship (good for making everything from bridges to cathedrals and feature films)  

So, take a look and come talk with me, Todd or one of the experienced Synthesis researchers about working on one of those…so we can coordinate our intelligence, and impetus for impact.

Till soon,
Xin Wei

Sha Xin Wei • Professor and Director • School of Arts, Media and Engineering + Synthesis
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts + Fulton Schools of Engineering • ASU
Fellow: ASU-Santa Fe Center for Biosocial Complex Systems
Affiliate Professor: Future of Innovation in Society; Computer Science; English
Associate Editor: AI & Society Journal
skype: shaxinwei • mobile: +1-650-815-9962
Founding Director, Topological Media Lab