Connor Synthesis Core Dev / Jitter: First test of charged bodies with particles

This is really promising dynamics!  Good work.  
It’s worth reading up on actual lattice physics, as I recommended to Josh M. — e.g. chapters in Numerical Recipes, and google computational physics, lattice physics, computational chemistry.

Can you show Josh how this works, so he can think about writing some code to compute some flow or density features according to our conversations with Melissa and Dee ?  I will want to work with Josh on the maths algorithms today approx 1:15 - 1:40 after my visit to Stauffer Lounge to see Ian and Garrett’s work.

(2) Everyone, please email cc. documentation of your work  to

On Jul 1, 2015, at 12:05 PM, Connor Rawls <> wrote:

I attached the video of my first test of using the charged bodies code I've been working on with the fluids and particles. I used two of the puzzle pieces as objects to drive the interaction. The parameters could use some refinement to make the interaction more visible, but it looks neat in an abstract visual sense.

