Coccia / Reversing The New Global Monasticism / homes, mated things, and care

A beautiful motivation for portals and sutured spaces, telematically mated objects  — objects that are always so that one is aware of and changes state depending on its siblings' state wherever its siblings may be in the world (thanks to tcp-ip + orc or some other network protocol).  

What of there are things X that always come as a set of initially indiscernibly identical, but responsive siblings,  that cannot be owned separately by just one person?  What if they are designed such that N siblings are always to be adopted by N people?  (Simplest case is twins.)

But more profoundly from the point of view of lived experience, the thing’s state and behavior is then sensitive to its relation not only to you / your home, but to wherever else it's homed as well.      It is crucial NOT to think of these things communicating with each other — NOT transmitting data “from" one “to" the other.   But instead design “the” thing so one relates to it as if it exists in more than one place simultaneously —  in but also not in your home, much like a cat.