Brandon Mechley, lead on ECS+

Hi Chris, Brandon,

Brandon and I had a good talk. Chris R too. So we are on the same page :

Brandon Chris and I agree that it’s worth dedicating a couple months at high throttle to implement a more fully fleshed out weather model that is plugged into our Ozone media system.

Let’s call it ECS+

The aim of course will be carry out work through the academic year. ( Brandon and Chris can work out the nitty gritty for this term, and then Chris and I will work on the rest of the FY16. )

Goals :

(1) Get a richer weather model implemented

(2) Work with Connor and Josh (using overall system design by Julian and Xin Wei) to get i/o input : gesture / movement / MIRA from Connor, Julian output visual: Connor (Jitter), Datavis (Josh) output sound: Brandon (with Julian)

(3) Write up work as papers for publications

(4) Write up grants for external funding.

We’ll start by checking in M & Th’s @ Synthesis Campfires, 1:00

Given his PhD in relevant areas, extensive experience, and scientific + artistic interest, I’ve asked Brandon to take the project lead on this. Let’s enjoy the ride!

Xin Wei